大型语言模型在各种任务上显示出令人印象深刻的几次结果。但是,当知识是此类结果的关键时,就像问题回答和事实检查之类的任务一样,似乎需要存储知识的大量参数计数。众所周知,检索增强模型可以在不需要多个参数的情况下在知识密集的任务上表现出色,但是目前尚不清楚它们是否在几个弹药设置中工作。在这项工作中,我们介绍了地图集,这是一个经过精心设计和预先训练的增强语言模型,能够通过很少的培训示例学习知识密集型任务。我们对包括MMLU,苏格兰短裙和归类等各种任务进行评估,并研究文档索引内容的影响,表明它可以很容易地进行更新。值得注意的是,在自然问题上仅使用64个示例在自然问题上达到超过42 \%的准确性,尽管参数少了50倍,但比540B参数模型的表现优于540b参数模型。
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当一个神经语言模型(LM)适于执行新任务时,任务的哪些方面预测了模型的最终性能?在NLP中,LM概括到个别示例的系统特征很好,但LM对新任务的系统的系统性方面并不理解。我们使用500个程序生成的序列建模任务构建的新基准测试,展示了LM适应性的特性和限制的大规模实证研究。这些任务组合了语言处理的核心方面,包括词汇语义,序列处理,记忆,逻辑推理和世界知识。使用TaskBench500,我们评估了三个适应性的方面,发现:(1)适应程序在他们记忆小型数据集的能力中急剧差异; (2)在任务类型的子集中,适应程序表现出对复杂任务的组成适应性; (3)未能匹配培训标签分布,在预测个别标签的内在难度中解释了不匹配。我们的实验表明,可以系统地描述和理解新的任务,如新示例的泛化,以及讨论可以使用新基准研究的适应性的其他方面的结论。
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用于图像分类的最可公开的数据集是单个标签,而图像在我们的日常生活中是固有的多标记。这种注释差距使得许多预先接受的单标准分类模型在实际情况下失败。该注释问题更加关注空中图像:从传感器收集的空中数据自然地覆盖具有多个标签的相对大的陆地面积,而被广泛可用的注释空中数据集(例如,UCM,AID)是单标记的。作为手动注释的多标签空中图像将是时间/劳动,我们提出了一种新的自我校正综合域适应(SCIDA)方法,用于自动多标签学习。 SCIDA是弱监督,即,自动学习多标签图像分类模型,从使用大量的公共可用的单一标签图像。为实现这一目标,我们提出了一种新颖的标签 - 明智的自我校正(LWC)模块,以更好地探索潜在的标签相关性。该模块还使无监督的域适配(UDA)从单个到多标签数据中可能。对于模型培训,所提出的型号仅使用单一标签信息,但不需要先验知识的多标记数据;它预测了多标签空中图像的标签。在我们的实验中,用单标签的MAI-AID-S和MAI-UCM-S数据集接受培训,所提出的模型直接在收集的多场景空中图像(MAI)数据集上进行测试。
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In this work, we introduce a hypergraph representation learning framework called Hypergraph Neural Networks (HNN) that jointly learns hyperedge embeddings along with a set of hyperedge-dependent embeddings for each node in the hypergraph. HNN derives multiple embeddings per node in the hypergraph where each embedding for a node is dependent on a specific hyperedge of that node. Notably, HNN is accurate, data-efficient, flexible with many interchangeable components, and useful for a wide range of hypergraph learning tasks. We evaluate the effectiveness of the HNN framework for hyperedge prediction and hypergraph node classification. We find that HNN achieves an overall mean gain of 7.72% and 11.37% across all baseline models and graphs for hyperedge prediction and hypergraph node classification, respectively.
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Learning fair graph representations for downstream applications is becoming increasingly important, but existing work has mostly focused on improving fairness at the global level by either modifying the graph structure or objective function without taking into account the local neighborhood of a node. In this work, we formally introduce the notion of neighborhood fairness and develop a computational framework for learning such locally fair embeddings. We argue that the notion of neighborhood fairness is more appropriate since GNN-based models operate at the local neighborhood level of a node. Our neighborhood fairness framework has two main components that are flexible for learning fair graph representations from arbitrary data: the first aims to construct fair neighborhoods for any arbitrary node in a graph and the second enables adaption of these fair neighborhoods to better capture certain application or data-dependent constraints, such as allowing neighborhoods to be more biased towards certain attributes or neighbors in the graph.Furthermore, while link prediction has been extensively studied, we are the first to investigate the graph representation learning task of fair link classification. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed neighborhood fairness framework for a variety of graph machine learning tasks including fair link prediction, link classification, and learning fair graph embeddings. Notably, our approach achieves not only better fairness but also increases the accuracy in the majority of cases across a wide variety of graphs, problem settings, and metrics.
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Facial action units (FAUs) are critical for fine-grained facial expression analysis. Although FAU detection has been actively studied using ideally high quality images, it was not thoroughly studied under heavily occluded conditions. In this paper, we propose the first occlusion-robust FAU recognition method to maintain FAU detection performance under heavy occlusions. Our novel approach takes advantage of rich information from the latent space of masked autoencoder (MAE) and transforms it into FAU features. Bypassing the occlusion reconstruction step, our model efficiently extracts FAU features of occluded faces by mining the latent space of a pretrained masked autoencoder. Both node and edge-level knowledge distillation are also employed to guide our model to find a mapping between latent space vectors and FAU features. Facial occlusion conditions, including random small patches and large blocks, are thoroughly studied. Experimental results on BP4D and DISFA datasets show that our method can achieve state-of-the-art performances under the studied facial occlusion, significantly outperforming existing baseline methods. In particular, even under heavy occlusion, the proposed method can achieve comparable performance as state-of-the-art methods under normal conditions.
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We develop a wall model for large-eddy simulation (LES) that takes into account various pressure-gradient effects using multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). The model is trained using low-Reynolds-number flow over periodic hills with agents distributed on the wall along the computational grid points. The model utilizes a wall eddy-viscosity formulation as the boundary condition, which is shown to provide better predictions of the mean velocity field, rather than the typical wall-shear stress formulation. Each agent receives states based on local instantaneous flow quantities at an off-wall location, computes a reward based on the estimated wall-shear stress, and provides an action to update the wall eddy viscosity at each time step. The trained wall model is validated in wall-modeled LES (WMLES) of flow over periodic hills at higher Reynolds numbers, and the results show the effectiveness of the model on flow with pressure gradients. The analysis of the trained model indicates that the model is capable of distinguishing between the various pressure gradient regimes present in the flow.
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准确的交通预测对于智能运输系统至关重要。尽管许多深度学习模型已经达到了最新的1小时交通预测,但长期交通预测跨越多小时仍然是一个重大挑战。此外,大多数现有的深度学习流量预测模型都是黑匣子,提出了与解释性和解释性有关的其他挑战。我们开发了图形金字塔自动构造(X-GPA),这是一种基于注意力的空间 - 速率图神经网络,使用了新型金字塔自相关注意机制。它可以从图表上的长时间序列中学习,并提高长期流量预测准确性。与几种最先进的方法相比,我们的模型可以实现高达35%的长期流量预测准确性。 X-GPA模型的基于注意力的分数提供了基于交通动态的空间和时间解释,这些解释会改变正常与高峰时段的流量以及工作日与周末流量的变化。
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